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Podcasts & Interviews

My podcasts explore the experience and process of artists across disciplines. Check out my interviews and guest appearances or my archived "What's Good?" podcast.

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Interviews & Guest Appearances

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A podcast episode from Mirror Stage, celebrating Juneteenth and sharing how burlesque performer/producer Mx. Pucks A'Plenty and I are working to make a difference in the Seattle arts community. 

In this audio from Crosscut, I speak to host Brooklyn Jamerson-Flowers as they explore the origins of Langston Hughes Performing Arts Institute. Listen to the audio or read the article on Crosscut.

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Leveraging a Network for Equity (LANE) is an initiative that brings together extraordinary leaders from arts and culture organizations to collectively address racial and geographical imbalance in the field. Their podcast highlights the voices and experiences of leaders in the program’s Alpha Cohort. As the organizations approach the final chapter of their four-year journey together, my fellow cohort members and I share lessons and answer questions from our fellow cohort members, the broader Network, and beyond.

Original Lines, a podcast from Two Ponies Press, interviews original people with original ideas who are living the creative life. In this episode, I talk with them about my experiences as both an arts advocate and an active artist. We share anecdotes and ideas ranging from engaging the tech sector in the wider arts community to creating stories from family experiences.

Violinst-looper Joe Kye hosts all-ages, wholesome fun on the topic of storytelling. Joe and I explore the power of storytelling, especially as it relates to the Black Lives Matter protests and the quarantine.

I join host K-Cee Deeva to discuss manifesting hope and joy in 2022.

Host K-Cee Deeva and I discuss Black hair. For years women of color let Hollywood decide what is beautiful. Are times changing?

Guest appearances

"What's Good?" Podcast (archive)

In 2017, I wanted to start a podcast. I did a bunch of test podcasts, shared them with a few Team Sharon members, but I never did anything with them. I decided to release them per this medium. These podcasts range in length from 12-35 minutes and explore my creative process and perspectives on what's going on in the world. 

What's Good?
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